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Customer Access

How to Find Your Detail Application

Follow These Simple Steps to Access Your Detail Application


Step 1: Check Your Email Inbox

As soon as you complete an order with us, an "Order Confirmation" email will be sent to the email address you provided during the checkout process. This email is a confirmation that your order has been received and is being processed.

  • Check your main inbox: Usually, the email lands in your main inbox.

  • Check Spam/Junk Folder: If you don't see it in your main inbox, there's a chance it could be in your spam or junk email folder.

  • Search for "Sate Document Order Confirmation": If you have trouble finding it, use your email's search function and look up "Sate Document Order Confirmation".


Step 2: Open the "Order Confirmation" Email

Once you locate the "Order Confirmation" email, open it to find important information about your order, such as your order number, and details about the service you've requested.


Step 3: Locate the "Detail Application"

Within the "Order Confirmation" email, you will find a section or a link labeled "Detail Application." This section will include comprehensive information and, in some cases, additional steps you might need to take for your application to proceed.

  • PDF Attachments: Sometimes the Detail Application might be attached as a PDF. Be sure to download and open it.

  • Secure Links: In some cases, you might be provided a secure link that will take you to a password-protected page on our website where you can view or download your Detail Application.

Important Notes



All updates regarding your application status will also be communicated through email. Please ensure that you check your email regularly.





The Detail Application often contains sensitive information. Keep it secure and do not share it with unauthorized individuals.

If you have any issues finding your "Detail Application" or have additional questions, please contact our customer support for further assistance.

Thank you for entrusting Sate Document with your documentation needs. We look forward to successfully fulfilling your request as quickly as possible.


All Rights Reserved.

(888) 296-8152

We are a private company that helps our clients fill out and complete their legal applications before they submit them to a state facility. Any provide legal advices through our lawyer referee service. We are not affiliated with any government agencies. 

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